February – #WIHM

Women in Horror Month…I gotta tell you, this is the first time I heard about this. I love that it exists, and I wish I knew about it sometime in the past 11 years. But alas, even the best movements take time to grow and gain exposure. There’s more and more recognition...

Introducing the ’20s – Roar Away, Friends!

Welcome back! It’s a new year and (to some) a new decade – out with the ‘10s and in with the ‘20s. I’ve never been a stickler for resolutions but, like many, I do make certain plans for a new year. 2019 was amazing for me: a year I sold two novels, shared a short...

Top 10s of the ’10s

Another year is wrapping up – but more than that, so is another decade. I know everyone is writing about the Best of the ‘10s, and I enjoy each and every one of these lists. I’m a fan of pop culture and I have a blog, so why shouldn’t I do something similar? But...