Jennifer L. Soucy


She's finally here! The first novel I wrote in 2018, a dark fantasy/horror tale of a young girl about to become a woman but something wicked slips into her normal life. A story about loss, guilt, revenge, the meaning of family, Irish Folklore, and so much more. The...

We Could Be Heroes

Who is the greatest hero in Western mythology? His tale sprouted from a small seed of history into the most epic of fantasies, crossing multiple genres and cultures. His story inspired countless interpretations for over fifteen hundred years. He’s even beloved in the...

Loki – Sympathy for the Devil

And now it’s time for Round 3 of the September mythology series. I’ve been looking forward to featuring one of the Norse deities since I’ve grown to love them over the past decade. Thor is my favorite Avenger, and the Asgardians rock! Odin from American Gods is...

Brighid of Ireland – Light My Fire

Welcome back to the September mythology series! This month, we'll begin with a somewhat unusual personal introduction. This is Suicide Prevention Month, and it seemed appropriate to illustrate the connection between mythology and myself which I credit in part with...

Girl Power, Greek Style

Welcome to my first discussion on popular myths. Please indulge me, but I have to write about one of my all-time favorites first: the tale of Persephone and Hades, Rulers of the Underworld. This myth has retained its popularity, shifting and changing with the times as...

September Series: Intro to Myths

If you’re already familiar with my writings, social media posts, or general conversations, you’ll know I’m a huge fan of mythology. And it’s definitely a hot topic among the Twitter writing community, proving that authors of all genres are still inspired by the vivid...

Banshee Tales – Songs for Humanity

I’m sure everyone has heard of the Banshee, the wailing woman of the Celts. A spirit who wanders the night, appearing as a hag or a lovely young woman with eyes red from endless tears, mourning some unlucky person’s imminent death. Unlike other mythological spirits,...

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