THE MOTHER WE SHARE: Release Day Trailer

Release Day is here, and thanks to my friend, Chris Tallon at Creative Ops, I have the coolest trailer ever! Check it out, then look for THE MOTHER WE SHARE – a tale of horror, dark fantasy, and Irish folklore on The Mother We Share eBook: Soucy,...

#WIHM 2021 Review — The Deep by Alma Katsu

The Haunting of…the Titanic? Yes, please! I loved this book. Even more, I knew I would love it before I read it. After The Hunger, Alma Katsu became one of my favorite authors and this next novel only cemented her placement on that list. Unlike anyone else, she...


Thank you so much to Ben Walker and Kendall Reviews for taking the time to read and review my latest novel, Clementine’s Awakening (due out 1/26/21). You all are amazing supports for indie writers and champions of the horror genre. To any other horror fans out...